Categories: Dental Implants

Six reasons why you should consider dental implants

Dental implants are a smart choice for many adults who are experiencing tooth loss. They can also be used for adolescents once their facial growth and development have been completed. However, many patients in Wrentham, MA area are curious as to the reasons for choosing dental implants.

Six reasons why you should consider dental implants for tooth replacement

Dental implants have many advantages over other traditional tooth replacement options such as dental bridges and dentures. Below are six reasons why many of our patients choose to move forward with dental implants:

    • Longevity. One of the primary reasons patients choose dental implants is because of their high success rates and permanency. When dental implants are cared for with routine dental visits and proper home hygiene habits, patients will often enjoy their implants for life! This makes them a wonderful investment for our patients, as alternative types of tooth replacement solutions such as dentures and bridges may need to be replaced every 5 to 10 years, requiring more of an investment of time and money than a dental implant.
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  • Confidence. Because dental implants are solidified into the jawbone for optimum stability, patients can live their life with confidence! Dental implants are secure, and will not slip, slide, or click while talking, eating, or laughing. Patients will also have more natural speech with dental implants, as they function exactly as natural teeth do.
  • Appearance. Dental implants look, feel, and function as natural teeth do, ensuring that they blend in with the smile. Patients find that they are easy to take care of, brushing and flossing as they do their natural teeth. Dental implants covered with dental crowns are custom-made to ensure they blend in seamlessly with the rest of the smile and do not stand out as a dental restoration.
  • Function. Since dental implants are firmly planted into the bone of the jaw, they function as a natural tooth does. Patients don’t have to worry about the foods they eat and the clarity of their speech with dental implants in place.
  • Bone maintenance. When patients choose full dentures to replace an arch of teeth, they may deal with unwanted changes to the jaw. Missing teeth along the arch can cause a natural loss of bone through a process known as dental resorption. This can cause the bone to shrink and create structural changes to the jaw, which often causes a “shrunken in” appearance commonly associated with denture wearers. Patients can maintain their natural bone with the placement of dental implants, which stimulates bone growth and can prevent bone loss. By placing a dental implant as soon as a tooth is extracted or lost, patients can protect their facial bone and ensure their natural teeth continue to have a sturdy foundation.
  • Versatility. Dental implants are used in several different ways at Advanced Dental Practices. Dr. Rawat may utilize a dental implant for replacing a single tooth by covering the abutment with a dental crown. A dental implant may also act as the anchor on one or both sides of a dental bridge. Additionally, some patients who wear full dentures can utilize dental implants to stabilize them and give them more confidence in the foods they eat. Because dental implants are incredibly versatile, they are often considered in restorative dental plans.

Who is a candidate for dental implants?

Patients interested in implants often ask their dentist, am I a candidate? The best candidates are patients who have enough bone structure. This is necessary to ensure the implants are placed successfully. Osseointegration is the growth of bone that is fused to the implant to hold it firmly in place. Without enough bone, this process cannot occur, and patients will have an unsuccessful surgery.

Request an appointment today

If you are considering dental implants and are curious to know if you are an appropriate candidate, the team of Advanced Dental Practices invites you to call the practice at . Dr. Rawat and his associates can evaluate you to determine if you can benefit from dental implants in your smile. The practice is conveniently located in Wrentham, MA at 21 East Street and is always accepting new patients and families.


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Dr. Rawat

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