Massachusetts dentist offers Cerec for a convenient way to comfortable restore teeth
As a biological dentist, every aspect of Advanced Dental Practices is built with maintaining or improving your oral health. Dr. Rawat and his team have helped generations of families lead happier, healthier lives courtesy of a practice designed to focus on:

- Biocompatible materials that don’t harm existing tissues
- Conservative procedures
- Holistic approaches to treatment
Dr. Rawat uses modern technology to deliver preventive and restorative treatments that are safe, minimally-invasive, and add to your whole-body wellness while improving your oral health.
CEREC stands for “Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.” CEREC is the high-tech way to replicate natural tooth structure that has been damaged due to decay, disease, or other trauma. By creating new tooth structure from safe, metal- and mercury-free materials; such as porcelain, Dr. Rawat will rebuild your tooth and restore it proper function and a natural appearance.
Traditionally, a restoration; such as a crown, would have required at least 2 visits to the dentist. The first visit generally involved preparing the tooth to be crowned. Sticky putty would be used to take an impression of your mouth. Lab technicians then use this impression as a model to make your crown. Since the process of manufacturing the crown usually takes around 2 weeks, a temporary fragile crown is worn to protect the prepared site.
The second visit would involve removing the temporary crown and replacing it with the permanent, lab-made crown. After checking for fit and appearance, the crown is cemented into place.
By using the CEREC system, Dr. Rawat can place restorations in a single visit. No need for return appointments. No need to eat gingerly due to fear that the temporary crown will break.
In addition to being a convenient alternative to the traditional process, CEREC technology assures every step of the process is comfortable. Instead of using sticky goo to make your impression, Dr. Rawat will render a digital impression of your tooth. This “optical impression” only requires a few minutes of time and will be converted into a 3-dimensional model via CEREC 3-D software.
The data used to design and make your new tooth structure is then sent to a separate milling machine. A block of porcelain matching your tooth shade is inserted into the machine and is shaped into your new restoration. This process can be done in 10 to 20 minutes while you wait.
Before bonding your new tooth into place, Dr. Rawat will ensure it fits and feels as it should and that it looks natural.
You may need a dental crown following root canal therapy or to replace a missing tooth as part of a dental implant. Dr. Rawat will always recommend those procedures that maintain as much natural tooth structure as possible. Less invasive tooth-colored white fillings, inlays, and onlays may also be rendered conveniently and comfortably. Dr. Rawat can also make beautiful looking and highly durable porcelain veneers should you be seeking cosmetic improvement.
To experience a new approach to common cosmetic and restorative procedures, schedule an appointment with your dentist for CEREC in Wrentham, Massachusetts and the surrounding area, Dr. Rawat. Call (508) 456-7111.
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